A lakeside lighthouse

My son and I have constructed a small (41") lighthouse, and placed it on our property at the edge of Lake Arrowhead.

The lighthouse indicates weather conditions that will occur in the next 30 minutes as follows:

══        ══        ══       Clear (night) 2s on 8s off

═══   ═══   ═══   ═══   ═══  Rain 3s on 3s off

═════     ═════    ═════     Fog/mist/smoke 5s on 5s off

════════  ════════  ════════ Snow 8s on 2s off

Clear weather is shown from 30 minutes before sunset until 30 minutes after sunrise.
Rain, snow or fog are shown during such weather and 30 minutes before it starts, day or night.

It can be seen from the lake 1/2 a mile west of the dam.

Update 2022-12-05

The lighthouse is now interactive! You can make it flash for three seconds at http://lighthouse.mixmox.com


The weather indication is obtained from https://openweathermap.org and relies on our internet connection and our house power, all of which are beyond our control. We therefore cannot guarantee the accuracy nor reliability of the weather indicated.

Details of how it was made can be read here.