Common Musk Turtles, also known as stinkpots (Sternotherus odoratus) often resemble small snapping turtles, which is the mistake I made initially.
These turtles are small (up to 5 inches), and hang out in the warm shallows of slow moving waters. They often have algae growing on their shells, giving them a shaggy appearance.
I first spotted 5 or 6 of them on April 13, 2023, and was curious that they didn't swim away when I got near. A few days later I was able to grab one with a net without it even trying to get away. This gave me the opportunity to get a few up close photos.
There are some yellow lines on its triangular head:
A view of the fleshy looking tail beneath its shell
The underside, or plastron is quite strikingly marked