Najas minor key and ID notes

Mature plants of  Brittle Naiad (Najas minor) are very easy to identify as they are typically tall (2 to 3 ft .tall) and have a very distinctive "Broccoli" shape. Small fragments of Naiad initially seem tricky to identify but this key for small fragments will soon get you on top of them,

Larger plants are very distinctive and found in late summer and early fall.

N. minor in Lake Arrowhead

Notes on identifying Najas minor and Najas flexilis

June 2021

The first plants we found were very difficult to distinguish.

Young naiads were bright green

12 July 2021

To DMS, the N. minor plants look a darker green than N. flexilis.

We do find light green plants that have serrations visible to the naked eye.

N. flexilis often has parts of the stem that are white, typically just below the nodes.

N. gracillima has very different thread-like  leaves.

17 July 2021

The leaves of N. minor now feel different. They are stiffer and resist being squeezed. 

Some plants now showing the ‘classic’ Hollywood explosion form.

Najas minor

A large plant growing in the water, seen from above